Clare’s Place CIO is a charity set up to promote the welfare of those living with a disability by providing an affordable and spacious property for holidays.
The bungalow is fully accessible for the use of people who use wheel chairs (motorized and manual) including navigable hallways and doors, 2 large wet rooms (1 with bath )over head and mobile hoists, landscaped gardens and use of a private, heated swimming pool. Clare’s Place has been renovated and designed with input from an occupational therapist and specialist architect so as to meet the needs of people with a wide range of disabilities and their accompanying family members and carers. There are four bedrooms, a large lounge, activity room with Alexa and Philips Hue lighting, and a spacious kitchen/diner that was designed with wheelchair users in mind.
Clare Milne was the granddaughter of A.A Milne, the author and creator of Winnie the Pooh.
Clare was much loved by family and friends, and was full of life, despite the challenges of living with cerebral palsy. Clare was always keen to try new things and she loved to be sociable; her house was often full of friends and she loved to travel with them as well.
In 1998 Clare received a significant sum of money following the sale of the copyright royalties from her grandfather’s books. Clare’s Place (Claypitts)was purchased and adapted for Clare in Otterton, East Devon, and it was decided that the rest of the money should be placed in a charity to help other people with disabilities.
Sadly Clare died in 2012.
Clare’s Mother, Lesley Milne said that her dream “is to know that my girl will be remembered for something that brings happiness where it is most needed.”
The current Trustees strive to honour Lesley’s wishes and to keep Clare’s memory alive.
Clare’s Place CIO has been enabled by The Clare Milne Trust and is just one project of many that Clare’s legacy has created.